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Eye Test Glasses

Know more about LASIK ...

LASIK Schwind Amaris

Schwind Amaris 500e No touch LASIK with smart surf technology

Revolution in LASIK surgery 


Bladeless , Touchless ,            (no - flap) nearly free from all the complications of routine LASIK . It can be done as :-

Aberration free

Corneal Wavefront 

Ocular Wavefront


Unmatched results in Astigmatism (Cylinder power upto 6 dioptre)

It is said that eyes are the most important organs in the human body because it is only these eyes which are our windows to the outside world and through which we are able to observe and admire the beauty of this world . Although we care for our eyes , in today's technological world , people have to use gadgets from dawn to dusk . The consequences are that people develop eye problems which include Myopia (weakening of the distant vision ) and Hypermetropia ( weakening of near vision) and Astigmatism . There are various professions that do not hire employees with refractive errors . Also , the beauty of the eyes and the human face is hid behind spectacles due to refractive errors . The solution is LASIK procedure . We have the latest and the first in Central India :- Schwind Amaris trans PRK no touch (touch - free) laser treatment . No instrument is touched in the eye , it leaves no scar marks , and no sign that a single procedure has been performed on the eye ! It is the safest refractive surgery in the world . The patient has to undergo certain tests to certify that the patient's eye is suitable for the procedure .  

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